3 Frequent Questions Concerning Gas-Filled Windows


As most people are aware by now, double-paned windows do a vastly better job of preventing heat loss than do their single-paned brethren. Yet even double-paned windows can be improved upon by filling up the empty space between the two panes with a type of non-conductive gas such as argon. If you would like to learn about such gas-filled windows, read on. This article will help to educate you by answering three of the most common questions about gas-filled windows.

Is the gas dangerous?

The number-one concern people have about gas-filled windows is what would happen if the window broke and the gas were allowed to escape into their home. This is a perfectly natural fear. Fortunately, argon gas poses virtually no health threats. It is a natural—and naturally non-toxic—gas. It is true that, in severely high doses, it might be capable of causing asphyxiation. Yet the amount of argon inside a double-paned window is small enough to render the chances of this virtually impossible.

How can I tell there's gas in there?

Many people worry that gas-filled windows are just another marketing ploy to get them to spend more money without any real benefit. This worry only tends to be exacerbated by the fact that argon is a colorless gas, meaning there is no way to visually detect it inside of the window. The good news is that argon-filled windows are both real and effective at reducing energy loss—so long as you purchase them from a manufacturer with a known record of excellence, that is.

Those who are naturally skeptical can put themselves further at ease by knowing that there are, in fact, several ways to detect the presence of argon inside of a double-paned window. This usually involves shining a certain type of light on the window or utilizing a tool that passes a small electrical charge through the glass. Don't feel silly about asking a contractor to perform one of these test for you. If that is what it takes to put your mind at ease, they should only be too happy to comply.

Is the gas going to leak out?

Even knowing that argon poses no health threats, it is natural to worry that, if the gas escapes over time, you will end up with windows that pose no additional benefit. While it is theoretically possible for this to happen, you can reduce the likelihood by selecting a manufacturer whose windows come with a certification against such failure. This will protect you on the off chance that your window does someday lose the benefit of its argon gas. 

For more information, contact a company like Mister Window Inc.


1 March 2017

Start Spring Cleaning Early

Every year, I make a list of spring cleaning tasks. Unfortunately, I’m a procrastinator. Therefore, I rarely complete every item on my extensive list. This year, I plan to start my spring cleaning early. One of the tasks I’m passionate about is cleaning windows. When I get finished with my windows, I want them to appear invisible due to their level of cleanness. To accomplish this task, I use both over-the-counter window cleaners and natural cleaning agents. To reduce the incidence of smudges, you can wipe your windows down with a newspaper. On this blog, you will learn how to clean your windows before spring arrives.